8 Billion Trees

Silver Fox Stuffed Animal

$28.41 $38.74

silver fox stuffed animal resting on green moss with a small pine cone between it's paws.
silver fox stuffed animal resting on green moss with a small pine cone between it's paws. silver fox stuffed animal captured from a slight left front angled view. silver fox stuffed animal captured from a slight right front angled view. silver fox stuffed animal facing left to see the side profile, resting on green moss. silver fox stuffed animal facing right to see the side profile, placed on green moss. Silver fox stuffed animal shown from a rearward angled perspective. close up of a silver fox stuffed animal from a rearward angle perspective, featuring the 8 Billion Trees charm logo tag, placed on a patch of green moss.

Meet one of the newest additions to the 8 Billion Trees eco-awareness product line.

We’re offering this Silver Fox stuffed animal at a reduced price to spread awareness on the massive deforestation crisis happening right now.

There’s countless species of fox that are endangered or seeing a drastic decrease in populations worldwide.

The Foxes survival is constantly threatened from loss of their natural habitats due to destruction caused by the encroachment of humans and their homes are under attack.

Purchasing this Silver Fox stuffed animal will bring more awareness to the issue and you’ll contribute directly to the restoration of the foxes natural habitat.

Every day, thousands of acres of trees are destroyed around the world.

And when these trees are destroyed, animals like these foxes lose their homes and sometimes even get hurt or killed by deforesters.

Sadly, humans have erased 60% of animal life since 1970. Put another way, humans make up just 0.01% of all life on Earth but have eliminated 6 out of every 10 animals.

A big reason is the destruction of trees. This is because forests are home to 80% of the world's biodiversity.

80% of every living animal, plant, and organism directly depends on trees. When the trees are cut down and disappear, so does everything else.

Help spread awareness on the crisis that is destroying our climate and animals by getting your Silver Fox stuffed animal today!