8 Billion Trees

Planting Project: Senegal

Faced with titanic population increases, Senegal has reached a tree crisis. Growing over 400% in less than a century, Senegal’s population is having a devastating effect on native forests. As the demand for food continues to grow, more and more forest cover is burned to clear space for agriculture.

And now, agriculture scientists have confirmed what everyone hoped was not true: Senegal has long since passed sustainable forestry. In other words, the destruction of mature trees each year far exceeds new trees being planted.

As an impoverished country that receives very little rainfall, this spells trouble. Trees are being cut down and used at an alarming rate, but they aren’t being replaced. Furthermore, the country meets 63% of its energy needs through firewood and charcoal—more trees cut down and burned.

To help slow the growing Sahara desert, in 2005 Senegal government officials announced an initiative to create a “Great Green Wall” of trees stretching for almost 4,400 miles. However, it’s clear this has not provided a solution to the rampant deforestation.

Simply put: the rate of deforestation has increased since the 1990s.

But 8 Billion Trees isn’t willing to sit back and watch things get worse. And it’s why we have partnered with ForestNation to begin rehabilitating the country of Senegal where trees are desperately needed.

By focusing on troubles areas, we can begin to restore habitats that provide life to countless species of plants and animals while combating harmful, man-made climate change.